5.1 miles per day! Damn impressive! You inspire me, Preston. Thanks for sharing your health journey 🙏🏻

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I’m glad it helps to inspire, and thank you for reading! Sharing something like this is definitely outside of my comfort zone, but doing so also keeps me honest. Gonna start daily yoga this week instead of just a few times a week as well.

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I’m working on adding daily yoga and daily meditation: something for my body and something for my soul.

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Excellent! I meditate first thing in the morning. Helps wake my brain up calmly rather than have all the worth rush in. Also helps that I know the first thing on my phone that I turn on is a meditation app which keeps things focused rather than distracted by notifications.

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What meditation app do you use?

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It’s an app called downward dog. My friend lets me use her login for it. There are tons of apps for meditation though!

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Maybe we are at some plateau of health if we survive to live another day.

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