I find that people, generally speaking lack the basic curiosity required, due to overstimulation and low motivation, to even ask questions to begin with. They just form opinions based on nothing and shout them out over and over again.
Sadly, that is what seems to be our go to nowadays. Reaffirm our own beliefs by finding those who will pedal them to us 24/7, no matter how harmful they are.
Most people will use the goog to do research using Internet searches. Right there, they have lost the battle. Still, you can do tons of research and what matters is the conclusions you come to. If the person cannot think as an individual or think for themselves, it won't matter.
For sure, and even when someone asks me something, I will always caveat it by saying that unless it's a historic fact (like sports for example), what I am providing them are my thoughts and opinions. Now some opinions can be backed up by facts, but you get the point haha.
It is incredibly important to consider the source, now more so than ever. I google nothing for news, that's for sure, and I sure as hell don't use Twitter for it. But, search engines can still be useful when looking up historical data, and when you find a sight with good historical data, like I'm using for a college football series, save that site. Being internet literate is incredibly important.
I find that people, generally speaking lack the basic curiosity required, due to overstimulation and low motivation, to even ask questions to begin with. They just form opinions based on nothing and shout them out over and over again.
Sadly, that is what seems to be our go to nowadays. Reaffirm our own beliefs by finding those who will pedal them to us 24/7, no matter how harmful they are.
Most people will use the goog to do research using Internet searches. Right there, they have lost the battle. Still, you can do tons of research and what matters is the conclusions you come to. If the person cannot think as an individual or think for themselves, it won't matter.
For sure, and even when someone asks me something, I will always caveat it by saying that unless it's a historic fact (like sports for example), what I am providing them are my thoughts and opinions. Now some opinions can be backed up by facts, but you get the point haha.
It is incredibly important to consider the source, now more so than ever. I google nothing for news, that's for sure, and I sure as hell don't use Twitter for it. But, search engines can still be useful when looking up historical data, and when you find a sight with good historical data, like I'm using for a college football series, save that site. Being internet literate is incredibly important.